Analytics Before Foreclosure is here to
help homeowners fully understand
their options.  We provide
Actionable intelligence for your home

How Does Your Process Work?

Since each individual situation and real estate transactions are differ the first step is determine what exactly you desire. Then we make it easy and stress-free for you make it happen! Give us a call at  866-857-5405 or click on the "Book a Free Discovery Call" button below and you'll be connected with a specialist to provide a free consultation specific to your needs.

What Kind Of Properties do you work with?

Our main focus is on Residential and Multi-Family properties owned by individuals or Estates. Property condition or Equity does not matter. Properties can be abandoned, weather or fire damaged, even properties occupied by non-paying tenants.

What Are Some Reasons People Have worked with Analytics Before Foreclosure?

There are many reasons. Some of the reasons people have come to us are:

  •  They needed or wanted to sell and get cash quickly.  In most cases an offer is made within the consultation and a closing can take place in 10 days or less
  •  To avoid paying a commission and closings costs
  •  People looking to avoid foreclosure
  •  Homeowners who owed more on their house than it was worth and needed a Short Sale
  •  Estate sales or properties in Probate
  •  Others sold due to divorce, distressed or damaged property
  • Homeowners have gone through a rough spot financially and require a more reasonable mortgage to get back on track.

Will You Give Me A Low Ball Offer?

No, you will receive a no obligation fair offer for your house.

My House Has Damage And Needs Repairs. Is It Eligible For the ABF Program?

Absolutely. Condition doesn’t matter.  

What Is A Foreclosure?

A foreclosure is the process by which a homeowner’s rights to a property are forfeited because of failure to pay the mortgage. It means losing your house and seriously damaging your credit.  

I Am Behind On My Payments And Facing Foreclosure. Can You Help Me?

Now is the time to make a move. Being proactive is always the best option for a homeowner.  A foreclosure can be avoided the majority of the time by being proactive and taking steps to work with your lenders. However, time is not your friend. The process has picked up speed so it’s urgent to take action.  If you’re behind on your payments call, click or chat for a Discovery Call. You have nothing to lose by taking action now and maybe everything to lose if you don’t.

What Is A Short Sale?

Any sale of real estate that generates proceeds that are less than the amount owed on the property. A real estate Short Sale occurs when the lender and borrower decide that selling the property and absorbing a moderate loss is preferable to having the borrower default on the loan. It is therefore an alternative to foreclosure. Short Sales can be done only by mutual consent of borrower and lender. Both parties can benefit greatly from this type of transaction. Borrowers can avoid having a foreclosure appear on their credit report, move substantially on their own terms and walkaway owing nothing while lenders can avoid substantial fees associated with foreclosure.  

Is A Short Sale Right For Me?

Mortgage lenders are willing to work with borrowers faced with a financial hardship to accept a discounted payoff on a mortgage. If you are faced with a hardship that makes it likely you will be unable to meet your obligation on your mortgage, most lenders would prefer to settle the matter as opposed to taking the property through foreclosure.  Everyone's situation is different.  Callclick or chat for a Discovery Call. You have nothing to lose by taking action now and maybe everything to lose if you don’t.  

How Late In The Foreclosure Process Can You Start A Short Sale?

Depending on individual state law and regulations, a foreclosure can proceed as quickly as 35 days from the date the notice to the borrower is filed. For that reason, time is of the essence and you should contact us immediately for a Discovery Call.  

How Do I Get Started On A Short Sale?

It’s easy. You simply click on the “Book a Free Discovery Call” button and fill out the contact form. There is no charge or obligation. A specialist will consult and advise you of each option available and requirements for next steps. If you decide you don’t want to move forward, you may discontinue the process at any time.  

What Documents Are Necessary To Proceed With A Short Sale?

The documents necessary to proceed with a Short Sale will depend on the lender. Specialists will help you with each and every step, including the paperwork.  If we decide to move forward with a consultation, we will help you decide what path you would like to go down and what documents are required at that point.

What Sort Of Hardship Would be Considered Legitimate?

This varies on a case by case basis. Generally, as long as the hardship is real and the mortgage company believes the loan is likely to become delinquent as a result, a Loan Modification or Short Sale request will be processed. Analytics Before Foreclosure will work with the lender's Loss Mitigation Department for an ideal solution, whether it is a modification, new loan with a different lender, or a short sale.  A big key to getting Loss Mitigation to accept a hardship is to submit a strong hardship letter. The hardship letter sets the tone for the entire file. Below you will find a list of “hardships” that are common and frequently accepted by mortgage lenders:

  •  Family illness or injury
  •  Illness or injury in the extended family – particularly if it forces relocation
  •  Job relocation when the property is equity deficient
  •  Job loss or significant income loss
  •  Divorce or split of domestic partners
  •  Adjustment in mortgage payment or unforeseen increase in living expenses

I Am Current On My Mortgage, Will My Lender Consider A Short Sale?

The answer is, maybe. Some lenders will accept a Short Sale file for approval on loans that are not delinquent, others will not accept the file until the loan is delinquent. The best way to determine if your lender will accept a file for approval is to complete and submit a Short Sale package.  When doing a consultation call, we will help you determine what your best strategy will be based on your current desires.

Do Lenders Approve All Short Sales?

No. That’s why it is critical to work with someone that has extensive knowledge and experience at getting Short Sales approved. From the presentation of the Short Sale package, working with the lenders' Loss Mitigations Departments, and knowing how to keep the file moving towards approval is a key to its success.  There are other options based on your situation and what you desire to do with your house.

I Have Two Mortgage Loans On My Home, Can I Still Do A Short Sale?

Yes. Your Analytics Before Foreclosure will work with both lenders to put together a Short Sale transaction. Even if the value of your home is below the balance of the 1st mortgage, an experienced negotiator can get both lenders to cooperate. In the end, neither lender wants to own another home through foreclosure.  

Will The Lender Or Servicer Require An Appraisal On The Home In A Short Sale?

Some lenders will require that a full appraisal be submitted in the Short Sale package. Others may only require a BPO, (brokers price opinion). The lender will need some formal assessment of the property’s value in order to make a decision to accept or reject the Short Sale offer. This is all done at the lender’s expense.  We do our best to work it out so you are not disturbed in this process and making it as easy for you as possible.

My House Has Been On The Market For A Year. Can You Help Me?

Many homeowners have been helped who could not sell their home because they couldn’t get their Short Sale approved for years. But you must take action, and call or click on the Book a Free Discovery Call button below and complete the form.

If I Sell My Home, I Have No Place To Go. Then What?

We can provide you with detailed information, services and in many cases get money to help you relocate and start fresh.  

I Feel In Over My Head. Am I Ever Going To Get Out Of This?

Yes, we are here to help. This is a temporary low point. You are not alone. We are here to guide you through this difficult period in your life and possibly beyond.  We are in the business of helping people who are willing to help themselves.


After you receive your report and have a couple days to read it over and discuss it with your family, we will have a consultation phone call.  Here you can ask questions and can decide on how we can help you with the next steps    

What Happens In The Foreclosure Process?

People often ask, “What happens in a foreclosure?”.  Here we break down the process of the legal process of Foreclosure.    

Different Scenarios

When it comes to handling your Foreclosure and the whole process, there are MANY options for you to take.  We break down 8 different options you can do to handle your situation.    

As-Is Price

We will let you know a knowledgeable price for your home in an As-Is condition, without doing any repairs to your home.  

Repaired Value Of Your Home

We will let you know a knowledgeable price for your home after doing repairs.  Also you’ll receive a list of repairs to make and a total estimate for those repairs.  

Market Data

Here we include what the current state of the local market is as well as what we project will happen within the next 6 months.  

Crime Report

What does the crime look like in your neighborhood?  We compare your neighborhood with State and National statistics as well as other neighborhoods in your area.  

School Report

How does your school compare to other schools in your area, State, and Nationwide .

Super Helpful

Chris and his team was super helpful with our pre-foreclosure home.  They helped us out of a sticky situation with the bank.  Chris was very prompt with putting everything together that was required and communicating every step with us.  We definitely recommend him.  

Loraine B.

Huntington, NY


What a professional group!  I had gotten myself into a horrible real estate deal with many different moving parts.  Chris' team sorted out all the issues and worked with Chase Bank to create a solution that worked for me.  For anyone whos facing foreclosure, you would be smart to work with these guys.  

William G.

Harlem, NY


My mortgage was a mess.  It had been sold to 4 different companies within the span of two and a half years.  Analytics Before Foreclosure took the time to educate me in the process, help guide me to a plan, and did all the heavy lifting for me.  What a blessing! 

choose your image

Carol M.

Staten Island, NY

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